Saturday, May 31, 2008


Today is Saturday, 31 of May 2008 that is my last day in doing activities of training for this semester. As usual, I woke up early in the morning because all of the cadets had an assembly at the ‘Markas PALAPES UKM’ which near Keris Mas College. We needed to sing ‘Varsiti Kita’ and also read a morning prayer.

I was very happy because there were a last of activities ( jogging, ‘gotong-royong’ together and so on) is order to having a good strength of my body. Then, there was a commission of ROTU’s cadets – all university in Malaysia (UKM, UPM, UM, UITM, UTHM, UTM, UUM, UNIMAS, UMS, UPSI, USM and UNImap). Our beloved university, UKM be an organizer of that commission for this year. I hope UKM will win in the competition (kawad kaki, kawad senjata, netball, bola tampar, rentas halangan dan rentas desa)…. Insya-Allah…

1 comment:

Akhdiat Abd Malek said...

wslm..woooo...dasyat posing utk gambor tu...a very long stare towards the future....woooo :-)