Wednesday, May 28, 2008

my eating habit name is Nor maisarah mohd ripen. I lived in kuala terengganu. Since when i was child i am very fussy eater. I never liked vegetables when i was young. My parent's made me eat them-carrots, peas, everything. I always ate the vegetables first and left the meat until last. It was better that way. Now i like vegetables, but i still leave the meat until last. It's strange, isn't it? Anyway my favourite food are 'laksa penang'. I love laksa penang because for me it's very delicious. But i can't eat the food liked sweet and cold because my teeth is very sensitive. If i try to eat the food that too sweet and cold, my teeth feel very painfull. But i can't try to eat little and not many that food. So, That's all about me.....bye...

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